I Can Live Without A Mac
Sun 20 December 2015 by
Couple of months ago I listened to an episode of the technical difficulties podcast. In that episode Gabe Weatherhead (macdrifter.com) and Erik Hess hosted Dr. Drang and talked about the history of computing.
At some point 1, Gabe asked Dr. Drang what will he do if he can't use …
read more ›Bunch of Emacs Tweaks
Fri 04 December 2015 by
Comment\Uncomment a Line
Few useful commands for commenting\uncommenting lines in emacs. Taken from the Emacs tutorial. Sure, I can go back to the manual, but I want to ducument and keep them here, for quicker reference.
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Insert or realign comment on current line; if the region is …
Changing the default font in Emacs
Mon 30 November 2015 by
Josh Stella wrote a delightful post about how he uses Emacs, not necessarily for development work. I found quite a few configuration tips, and already implemented few of them. One of those tweaks is using the Input font family. Visiting fontbureau made me want this font too!
I thought it …
read more ›Leap Into The Past - IRC
Sun 29 November 2015 by
So we're living in the future, yet I'm traversing the past. It started with this blog, when I decided to build it from scratch rather than using one of the modern blogging platforms, such as Wordpress and tumblr. Not only that, but I also insisted on writing it in pure …
read more ›Developer for a day
Thu 19 November 2015 by
Earlier today I demoed a simple search page that I developed as part of a 24 hour hackathon here at Outbrain. What makes this search page unique is that it uses the Sphere platform 1 to find content that isn't only relevant to the search query, but also caters to …
read more ›Adding a Commenting System
Fri 13 November 2015 by
I decided to add comments to this blog. Initially, I didn't want comments, because I didn't see their value, and thought of them mainly as spam. Now I know, though, that the real reason was an anxiety from having other people commenting on my writing. But as I started to …
read more ›Copy Git Changes to a New Branch
Thu 12 November 2015 by
I'm still not fluent with git and version control. I manage repositories for projects I'm working on, but sill have hard time managing my changes, commits and branches.
For example, I'm currently working on integrating Emacs's org-mode support to Pelican, a static web-page generator I use for this blog. I …
read more ›Swapping Buffers in Emacs
Sun 08 November 2015 by
It took me awhile to find a way to swap the position of two buffers in emacs. Yes, there is a description in emacs wiki, and the code bellow is actually taken from there, but it's not that easy to find through the tons of irrelevant information around it.
So …
read more ›On Touch Typing and Failure
Mon 12 October 2015 by
I've started to learn touch typing. It's embarrassing to admit that I still haven't learned it, given the amount of time I spend on a keyboard everyday. But it's better to do it later than never.
My goals in doing so are 1) to become more efficient and proficient with …
read more ›On KPIs and Building Blocks
Tue 06 October 2015 by
Few days ago I presented our product vision and roadmap to our R&D group. At the end of my presentation I was asked what gives me confidence that we build the right stuff. I didn't think too much, and answered that our vision and product roadmap define the what …
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