
Aim Away From The Target

Thu 05 May 2016 by yaniv

Yesterday my blog writing meetup got together. We talked about voice:
how do you transfer raw thoughts from your brain, to your hands and type them to the screen without losing their authenticity. How can you make your writing read as if you were speaking it? How can you make your readers hear you speaking to them through your posts?

Here are couple of posts we read, as examples for strong sense of unique voice, which the authors were able to maintain, or maybe convey:

My biggest takeaway from the discussion last night was that voice isn't something I can think of or plan for when writing. Instead I should not think of it. Only when I won't, my voice will find its way, and slip into my writing.

Holly, on of the group members, put it nicely,  paraphrasing on "Zen in the Art of Archery"

Aim away from the target.

If only it was that easy, though...