
Uploading Images To Amazon S3

Tue 19 January 2016 by yaniv

Here's a cool little workflow that I use to automate the usage of images in my posts1

The flow

  • Move the image I would like to use to my black-hole folder
  • When a new file is added to the folder, or existing file is modified, a Hazel is triggered
  • This Hazel rule fires up a python script
  • The python script:
    • Pushes updates to my Amazon S3
    • Returns a link to the uploaded file
    • Place the link in the clipboard
    • Add a log entry that includes the timestemp and the link to that file

The Porcelain

Here's how the flow in action:

The Plumbing

And here are the ingredients in more detail:

The Hazel rule


Figure 1: Note that I rename the filename, such that spaces replaced by _. Otherwise the upload to S3 doesn't work

The python script

#+BLOG: yanivgilad
#+POSTID: 57
#+DATE: [2016-01-19 Tue 20:42]
# Source:
# This script upload files (at the moment images and slideshows) to S3. 
# Credits:
# This script is inspired by macdrifter script, which can be found at:

import boto
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
import pyperclip
import os
import sys
from datetime import date, datetime

# This is how Hazel passes in the file path
hazelFilePath = sys.argv[1]
contentType = sys.argv[2]

# This is where I store my log file for these links. It's a Dropbox file in my NVAlt notes folder
logFilePath = "~/Dropbox/Notes/Linkin_Logs.txt"
nowTime = str(

# This is the method that does all of the uploading and writing to the log file.
# The method is generic enough to work with any S3 bucket that is passed.
def uploadToS3(localFilePath, localFileType, S3Bucket):
    fileName = os.path.basename(localFilePath)

    # Determine the current month and year to create the upload path
    today =
    datePath = today.strftime("/%Y/%m/")

    # Connect to S3
    s3 = boto.connect_s3()
    bucket = s3.get_bucket(S3Bucket)

    # Set the folder name based on the content type image\slideshow
    if localFileType == 'slideshow':
        key = bucket.new_key('slideshows/' + fileName)
        key = bucket.new_key('images' + datePath + fileName)

    # Upload file to S3

    # Log the url of the hosted file
    logfile = open(logFilePath, "a")

    # Create the URL for the image
    imageLink = 'http://' + S3Bucket + '/' +

        # encode the file name and append the URL to the log file
        logfile.write(nowTime+'  '+imageLink+'\n')

# The body of the script.
uploadToS3(hazelFilePath, contentType,'')

Few remarks about boto

  • If you're new to boto, a python interface to Amazon AWS, read through this tutorial.
  • Boto's credentials file lives in ~/.boto file. However, I found that when not running the from a python environment such as IDLE, but from a terminal, the credential file that is being used is the ~/.aws/credentials file. So I just made sure that my AWS credentials exist in both files.
  • Since my bucket has dots in it ( I had to define the S3 bucket format2 explicitly:
aws_access_key_id = [my_aws_access_key]
aws_secret_access_key = [my_aws_secret_access_key]

calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat

The log file



Setting this workflow might look more intimidating than it really is. But even if it is, the gratifing feeling of throwing a file into a folder and getting a live link in exchange is totally worth it.

  1. Heavily inspiered by Macdrifter's "Upload to Amazon S3 from Dropbox using Hazel

  2. See this thread for more details: